Case Studies

A winning team at your side

Pedestrian Injury Case

In a pedestrian injury case we obtained the policy limits of $500,000 from the driver’s insurance after our client was hit by him while our client was walking on the side walk. At first the driver lied about the accident to the police claiming someone had hit his car from behind first, pushing him off the road and into our client. His insurance company denied our claim until our investigator located a videotape from a nearby business showing the defendant suddenly and inexplicably losing control of his car and veering onto the sidewalk and running over our client.

After reviewing the tape and reviewing the medical records and bills, the driver’s insurance company settled with us for the entire $500,000 policy limits.

Settlement: $450,000

Year: 2021

Rear End Auto Collision

In this rear end auto collision our client was slowing for traffic on a Los Angeles freeway when he was hit at high speed by a car from behind. The driver claimed our client had stopped suddenly and without explanation and his insurance company refused to negotiate until we located an independent witness who saw the accident and attested to the defendant’s negligence.

After this witness testified, the defendant’s insurance company dispersed its $250,000 policy limits to our client.

Settlement: $250,000

Year: 2020

Truck Collision

In this accident, our client was driving to work and had just entered the street in front of her house when a larger trash truck backed into her at allegedly low speed. She had previously injured her back approximately 10 years earlier and claimed that this impact force aggravated her condition and caused her to need surgery. The trash truck driver initially claimed he was moving very slowly, that our client came out of nowhere, and that he could not avoid the collision due to her inattentiveness. After locating witnesses and hiring an accident reconstruction expert, we proved that the trash truck was moving at approximately 15 miles an hour with a full load and heavy inertial forces such that the aggravation and reinjury of our client was obvious.

After our evidence was presented, liability and causation were no longer contested and the trash truck company settled the case for a high six figure amount.

Settlement: $500,000

Year: 2020

Slip & Fall

We obtained a $300,000 for an elderly woman who fell into a hole that was hidden on a construction project outside of the a major amusement park in Anaheim, CA. The general contractor and subcontractors initially denied liability claiming she wasn’t looking where she was going. We obtained photographs of the construction prior to the fall showing an open hole in the ground which was subsequently covered by construction workers with thin wooden plywood.

After extensive litigation involving multiple defendant contractors, we were able to settle this case for this lady and provide for her future medical care as part of the settlement.

Settlement: $300,000

Year: 2020

Defective Product

We obtained a $250,000 settlement for an infant who was injured by a defective baby bottle. They manufacturer denied our claim until we were able to prove that the plastic bottle had sharp edges around the top in violation of the standard of care for this type of product.

Our expert testified to these facts after examining the bottle and determining it was not in compliance with federal and state safety laws pertaining to child products.

Settlement: $250,000

Year: 2020

Dog Bite

We obtained a $100,000 policy limits judgment on behalf of an infant who was severely bitten by a visiting relative’s dog. The insurance company denied all responsibility initially claiming a “family exclusion” insurance clause preventing compensation.

After filing a bad faith insurance claim against the defendant’s insurance company, we were able to secure the $100,000 policy limits for the child.

Settlement: $100,000

Year: 2020

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